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Saturday, September 24, 2011

hiking time!!!!

haha!!! today went hiking at saga hills with 13 of my friends!! WOOHOOOO!!
is totally insane ,tiring but of cause fun as well!!!

i cant believe i able to reach the water fall since i have been told that the road is dangerous and tough!! but i i got there together with my friends!! HAHAHAHAHA

the waterfall is gorgeous! we saw lots and lots of rainbow!! HAHAHA and saw some uncle auntie cooking at there ! they so geng right!!!!

we also had massage sitting beside the waterfall! i can feel my blood circulation better already XD! just kidding =p

the most cool thing happen is jia chern and me lost in the wood and we reach a place that is like heaven? neh i not going to say is heaven but a nice place!hahaha luckily saw another geng of people that is familiar with that road! THX GUYS! hahaha

after that we had our lunch!! haha im sorry that i can attend to nic house although i had promise im really sorry .....

anyway have to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICHOLAS!!! (hope you see this ,but i guess is a no! XD)

kay gonna head to bed now!! nite! I WAITING FOR PHOTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hui! love!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


oh ya! a long bow greet must be given to everyone if anyone still bother to come my blog!!! HAHAHA

ya i having some hard time within myself... i dont know who to say with because i feel really awkward....
ya it was about my future career.i beg u guys feel weird why am i thinking it even i haven even finish my spm==

my parents want me to be a accountant that i super-duper dont like i can say i anti accountant even they are useful......... i dont want to face number ,sitting in the office ,using the same formula, doing the jobs over and over again..... i hate it

so what am i going to do if i dont want be accountant? i really though about being a nutritionist and dietitian or may be a chemist....at least im not going to sit at office whole day......the second thing is be a announcer like on the astro aec....while that job is quite fun cause you can get around with people ,have fun , and going for some interview that is so meaningful (i guess i prefer those introducing foooooooooood! XD)

but come to think again i still haven give up being a performer even LOTS of my friend and family disagree and said i was dreaming. dreaming? so what? at least i have a dream ! i have a target! [okay that should stop here]being a performer will be my life time dream and i hope it will be my career for my whole life ....but that is kinda of impossible since i dont even get a chance!

to be honest ,
at some moment i really feel i just gonna live a normal life.
but when i watch '!The Voice' on AXN i saw a guy ,he is a totally nerd and he is a pre-medical student!the shocking things is his parents both are doctors!!!! and he actually have good voice!!!impressed! i can say that his parents are just 100% supporting him even he choose not to be a doctor but entertainer .but come back to myself ,why my family dont even want to hear about it? == HEARTBREAK!

okay! i come of down because i dont know how to tell them that i want to be in bio field instead of accountant== i beg thay will think i want to be in bio field just because i dont want be a accountant! UN ACCEPTABLE!

p.s i want my live to be special !!!! i starting to feel old already! im nearly 17!!!!!and i haven even doing something is special to myself! WHY I ALWAYS WANT TO BE SPECIAL!!!!!!!!!!!! T_T