
Hi guys!

Nuffnang Ads

Saturday, December 10, 2011


ya im heading to Sabah later this evening! but we will leave in the afternoon...
I kinda looking forward about this trip... since is first time go trip by flight with friend instead of going with my family....

my family was kind of worry ,so they actually nag me almost everything..passport,transport,hotels and a lot more....so i want to say sorry to jiachern and cl (if you even read this)that i keep asking about the details ....
but at the same time i know my family are worry about me so ... never mind as long they feel save letting me to go....

my brother said this is a task for me...if i can do will in this then they will let me go out for study with more confident that i can protect myself!!! YEA!!! I MUST DO WELL!!!! just let me study abroad!!!!!PLS!!!

so i finish packing my things this afternoon ,i weighted it ,7kg.hope it will be the same when weighting at lcct.wakakaka!!!!!!

k i think i have to go to sleep now since my friend say the first night we goona play the whole night so............ now i have to go to BEDDDD!!!! WAKAKAKKAA

p.s:should i bring my ritzy too???


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