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Friday, March 21, 2014

Getting A-level result ..Gone through Hell

First blog post in 2014... Well, hopefully I have more passion to to more blog post this year! :D

If you are planning to study A-level, please dont read this blog post. LOL

Well, I got my result on 6 of March.
 Getting A-level result is really different from getting SPM result or PMR result. Because I know what to expect in both SPM and PMR.
(I got some achievement in my SPM tho =p)

To be honest, I don't really have any expectation for my A-level result to be good because my final result is also based on the points that I had accumulate from previous semester.
Mum told me I didn't sleep well since I came back from my trip (couple of days before the release of my result).
That's true
Most of the night I've been dreaming about me looking at my result slip but I can't get to see my actual result, it's blur.
On that day itself, I went with one of my bestie I met in A-level, Anne. Love her so much! Muakz! 

We were both nervous as hell..................................
Then my lovely, Michelle came in, then my boss, Nirmalan! The atmosphere is even worst -.-

OKAY! Enter the room! Ms. Mabel were giving speech which I don't really concentrate in what was she talking... I only heard our batch have 99% passing rate... The only thing in my mind was... Will I be the 1 % failing!?!?!? D:


my turn to take result.... First thing I'm looking was the "fail corner' OMG THAT'S NO 'U' . Then I see my result ... why all look like 'B' one? WOW so happy ! when I really look at it.... I actually got some 'D' too....
CRUSH..... My heart totally sink .
On the brighter side, my retake papers are doing quite well but it hasn't hit my target yet. 

Anyhow, I still went to sing-k with my classmate! Erm release a bit stress.... 

Congratz to my friends who got good result ya! Good luck in the future!:)

Mum and Dad both called me .
They didn't really sound bad but I know if I'm compared with my brothers I'm such a failure. Indeed, it is very hurtful to hear them saying they are relieved because I got no fails. Previously, getting A are relieve but now my standard is only pass ........

I'm sorry. 

With my result I'm able to enter degree course but not those prestigious courses like pharmacy, doctors, engineers. So, now I'm in dilemma of choosing Mass communication (major in broadcasting) or Nutrition and dietitians.


1 comment:

  1. Sweetie, bear in mind that everyone is unique with our own abilities that God has given to us, yes your brothers can be slightly better academically but they might not be able to do some stuffs which you are able to ? Hehe. So do not compare yourself to anyone else as long as you have already tried your best to reach your own goals :) ! Good luck in your future undertakings !
