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Nuffnang Ads

Saturday, February 19, 2011

tired!!!! T_T

HUH!!! it was fun ..but im in pain now!!! T_T
my leg muscle is crazily pain....cant help it... T_T

today is LARIAN SERAYA !!! n i fall sick on friday ....so i end up ponteng school ^^
luckily my body is good enough and recovered before the race starts! HAHAHA
yea...i have so many energy at the first place and i end up exhausted !!!!! no energy at all~~~ but i am lucky enough to get the last medal~~~ AHAHAHA
the medal is IMPORTANT!!!!=p

i was so tired until i went to sleep after i got home!! nice!!! hahaha
and i have my ballet class...that time i totally out of energy to do anything except talking! XD

i almost forgot tomorrow going to do kerja amal....i hope it will be next few weeks!!!! X.X..... because tomorrow going to have long hour for physic ...and i have tons of homework and project to do!!! i just cant believe it! sienz! lisan too!!!!

-add math (ah seng)
-math(absent homework)
-read cerpen
-moral project
-pjk project

going crazy @.@

so sorry ..now a days i used to after i done my homework when im back from tuition and go sleep...
i just feel so tired EVERYDAY!!! so i didnt manage to have energy to walk to my computer==....* can you imagine how lazy am i!!!==
i hope i can use the computer time to do my work or revise my homework!!! PLS GOD!!! HELP ME!!!!! T_T.....

good night! gonna sleep early cause my frined and i going to have long day tomorrow!

p.s. im so glad i joing thursday chemistry class~~~ got a lengzai from facebook~ XD sorry going crazy again~ =p


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