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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Almost there!

yea..in chinese calendar today is 29th days~~wow it is really near i cant wait...SERIOUSLY
hmm...i went to leisure mall just now...i was excited about buying my shoes ...but i end up broking my old pair of shoes==
sad...and we past by the cinema .....then my dad say tomorrow go watch 'Great Day"~~
WOW happy...must where nice nice go lo!! hhaha (because im going to past '30th' day in the cinema...

hehe today i suddenly though of learning japanese or maybe korean..... but i have to save to buy those book for learning~~~ i beg it is expensive and hard to find too!!! ==
but im still looking forward~ hahaha japanese im COMING! haha

hmm few days ago my mum told me if this year we go england then next 3 years we are not going anywhere already!!! im kinda sad!!! i cant give up england since is my brother graduation ...haiz...my dream to States and korea just broke! im dying to go States man!!!! states...the land of dancers ,the land of fashion!!!! omg!!!! i can actually attend to fashion show!!! XD

come back come back!!
yea chinese new year!
try go market at the morning or maybe now...it is super pack!! and everywhere dong dong qiang~~lol FUN!!! but it is super pack that i nearly got lose with my mum!!! T_T

but it is sad for people in south of Malaysia!! they have to past their new year in flood..i hope the flood will go away as soon as possible ...!!! GOOD LUCK!!!!

bye gonna go finish my homework! i swear!


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