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Monday, May 2, 2011

im still waiting!

yesterday whole day i was totally no mood~ just COOL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
because im still waiting the message !....looking at the damn phone waiting it vibrate...
yea it did vibrate few times....but is just not the one im waiting~ sienz right!
until this morning i finally saw the reply and the message is just like " haha funny!"
ZZZZ WHAT THE HELL SHOULD I REPLY YOU!!!!!! i was so frustrated....and keep 'nah'....ZZZZ i tell you frus siao! going to burst dy!!!
so finally i decide to go kawad at school so that i can spend so time with my beloved friends that are funny and happier!

so as normal kawad kawad....bicycle bicycle~ oh yea! i even jatuh masuk longkang! XD
about 11am people was saying they want to go home so i end up staying back and wait to eat with hweiteng and the boys...
while i was waiting ...i read my chemistry...but basically im not into it ..i keep looking at my phone....then while i watching KRS kawad i saw you
what the hell!!! i though u were looking at me so i was going to like greet you~ but you just walk away!!! WHAT THE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
geram siao!! punch punch punch!
and i finally decide to DELETE you as my contact!!! all the message i DELETE!!!!!
300++ message i all DELETE!!!! you know delete? DELETE!!!! ish ish!!!

so my friend and i when to eat ice-kacang~ hahaha! there was funny! luckily i have my friend!!! they had just lighten me up again! hahaha but im still looking at the phone off and on....hehe....

yea!!! LIK HUI PLS BE HAPPY!!!!!! SMILE!!!!! ~~~

hui ==

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