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Sunday, December 7, 2014

Issues with Technologies

No doubt I, myself have the same problem with technologies nowadays. I have to check my phone every 5 to 10 minutes. Scrolling Facebook, Twitter and Instagram until I fall asleep and waking up scrolling again. I never thought that it would become a problem until my family have the same habit until our old tradition are gone. :( How sad!

Remember every morning,when technologies were not part of our life,( I don't refer 'when I was a kid' because this only happens couples of years back, which was not long ago.) We greet each other with warm greetings, sometimes we even cuddle together. and we would say ' Hey Mum, What's for breakfast? Are we going anywhere on a Sunday? Yeap, Basically, we talked.

How about now?

Every morning, first thing we ever do, check notification from midnight, replying message or maybe just scrolling Facebook. It probably take more than 30 minutes.

When do I realize that I depend on technologies so much,?it was one of the evening when the sky was pouring and thunders non-stop striking forcing me to off the internet connection

At that very moment. I am lost.

I realize I got nothing to do.
 So I started to recall what I do last time when I was in the same situation.

Reading newspaper was what I always do. Board game, storybooks, chit chat with family, watch DVD,slouching on couch,  doing the silliest things with my brothers. I know all these are really lame but this is way more meaningful than just have your eyes on devices all the time. It is so heartbreaking when you see a family all eyed on their devices during their meals. This apply to all age group. Personally I think having conversation with family is really important, simply catching up with each other, talking about politics, work, drama, movies and etc are good enough!

I am really glad that my family have a rule to have dinner together and we talk about what we been through for the day.

 Of course if I want to change people, then I have to change first. So........

I try not to bring my phone out when I have family meals outside of our house. Every morning the first thing I would just off my alarm and start my day! ( Well, I still scroll my social network. It's a habit already. Trying to change)

I really hope the every-Sunday- activity will work for my family again! Well, with condition everyone can crawl from their bed early morning! HAHAHAHA

Just my thought on technologies in our generation! Yet, technologies still helped us a lot in our daily life so we must appreciate but not depend on it!


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