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Saturday, January 29, 2011

hi again!

wow it had been long since my last updates! haha really sorry la o!
well school started almost 1 month~ everything goes quite fine but the only thing is i cant finish my homework ~~ ==
i love to go to school sometimes but not dont like to go when we need to hand up homework! ISH ISH!

gosh cube entertainment held a global audition on youtube since 27th december...i didnt though of joining because im too lazy! but until jan 27th ,while im doing my homework,
i suddenly remember about it...and that day is the LAST day ...so why not? so i decided to upload my long long time video! XD but it is weird..lol
surprisingly my mum is very 'gan jiong' about it XD WEIRD!!!!
thx for all ppl who like it~

my mum asked: win dy then how?
i ans: pergi canada...
my mum ans: WHAT! lol good good then can go gai gai there~
i asn: yaya! i wan gai gai too with ting! but ma~~ do you think that is possible?!?!?!?
my mum ans: even if u win u think i let u go?
i ans: ya right! >
yea! last week i just got a news from my dancing teacher that there will be a girl joining us for dancing class!! and she is exited to join us to dance those kpop thing! lol!!! (shes not excited for the ballet since she lost her interest for ballet >but is after CNY! ==

oh yeah!! another 4 days then is chinese new year le!!! really looking forward!
but im going to stay at kl until chu yi! so we will have McD for out gathering !!

got to go by shoes le!! bb !! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!


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