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Sunday, December 7, 2014

Issues with Technologies

No doubt I, myself have the same problem with technologies nowadays. I have to check my phone every 5 to 10 minutes. Scrolling Facebook, Twitter and Instagram until I fall asleep and waking up scrolling again. I never thought that it would become a problem until my family have the same habit until our old tradition are gone. :( How sad!

Remember every morning,when technologies were not part of our life,( I don't refer 'when I was a kid' because this only happens couples of years back, which was not long ago.) We greet each other with warm greetings, sometimes we even cuddle together. and we would say ' Hey Mum, What's for breakfast? Are we going anywhere on a Sunday? Yeap, Basically, we talked.

How about now?

Every morning, first thing we ever do, check notification from midnight, replying message or maybe just scrolling Facebook. It probably take more than 30 minutes.

When do I realize that I depend on technologies so much,?it was one of the evening when the sky was pouring and thunders non-stop striking forcing me to off the internet connection

At that very moment. I am lost.

I realize I got nothing to do.
 So I started to recall what I do last time when I was in the same situation.

Reading newspaper was what I always do. Board game, storybooks, chit chat with family, watch DVD,slouching on couch,  doing the silliest things with my brothers. I know all these are really lame but this is way more meaningful than just have your eyes on devices all the time. It is so heartbreaking when you see a family all eyed on their devices during their meals. This apply to all age group. Personally I think having conversation with family is really important, simply catching up with each other, talking about politics, work, drama, movies and etc are good enough!

I am really glad that my family have a rule to have dinner together and we talk about what we been through for the day.

 Of course if I want to change people, then I have to change first. So........

I try not to bring my phone out when I have family meals outside of our house. Every morning the first thing I would just off my alarm and start my day! ( Well, I still scroll my social network. It's a habit already. Trying to change)

I really hope the every-Sunday- activity will work for my family again! Well, with condition everyone can crawl from their bed early morning! HAHAHAHA

Just my thought on technologies in our generation! Yet, technologies still helped us a lot in our daily life so we must appreciate but not depend on it!


Monday, August 18, 2014

Quick update! :D [Uni +Ipoh]

Ba la Bi la Beeeeeeeeeeeeeep!

Guys don't get me wrong! I actually had a long long long post written when I just started my uni life. But it was way too long to post it! I'm afraid you guys will actually fall asleep! =p

Okay so basically I'm studying at Help University, Damansara Campus. I'll start my year 1 semester 2 soon. Which is like couple of days away. Hehehehehe!

Let's talk about my first semester.
To be honest, I felt like I just screwed my first semester and wasted all my time hanging around doing nothing. Is like I don't know what's mass communication , what exactly this degree are, what is going on and not sure is this really what I want. I didn't join any of the clubs activities at all but just slack around! Damn regret. Assignment. Classes. At some point I really wonder why I didn't study hard enough in my A-level days so that I can be medical student or engineer like my brothers. Now I got no one to look up to!!! :( Have to discover the path myself  :(

While the positive side of this course is not having thick thick text book? hehehe!
Oh ya! and a bunch of friendly friends and seniors! Thanks!

Resolution for 2nd semester!

Be active! Involve! Positive! Study everyday! Get good grades! Credit transfer!!! ROAR!

okay I'm excited!

Recently got hooked up with photography! I'm a very beginner in this field but yeah I'm into it!
After learning some of the skill through Youtube, I went to Ipoh to practice my rough skills!
 [ I love Ipoh really really much! After 3 years and I'm going back to Ipoh! Wohoo! Awesome! ]

Both of these were taken at a street full of mural!

Black Ball Dessert! Just like Snowflake! No likey! :(
Tau Fu Fa! So 'slippery'! XD

Kinta River!
Was surprised with all the decoration! Will make sure I go back there at night to see the lights! :D

D.R. Park! My childhood! Feeding fish, playground, bicycle, the cement slide

Taken at oldtown Plan b! thanks Alan ! :D
My grandparents' old shop! My family and I can just eat everything here for few days in a row without feeling bored!
Breakfast and lunch for 3 days in a row! WOW I miss that! and out special tea! :D

Of cause this trip won't be as fun without two gentlemen who bring me around Ipoh! Thanks Tony and Alan!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Malswisse make-up class!

Is been a fulfilling holiday for the past few weeks! Other than visiting universities around Kuala Lumpur, my friend and I decided to go for a make-up class after seeing an offer on groupon!

The idea started off when both of our mums actually wanted us to go for a finishing class after our college! We can''t find any of it but this!Malswisse. They actually having a promotion period until 31 March.
They provide a lot of different classes like make-up, hair styling, skin care and etc.

We tried out for the make-up class. It only cost RM 40 for 2 section.
There are 3 branches. SS2, Fahrenheit88 and Empire, Subang.

Sorry ! Blurred!

We went to the Fahrenheit88 branch. It is quite easy to find but just a bit out of the main building. Anyway don't hesitate to step in when you saw the shop. hahaha! you will know why I said these when you get there!

Anyway the first section, we had our skin care class!. From here I know my skin is in bad condition. :(
Too dehydrate! There're actually 9 step to maintain a flawless facial! I know.. there were 9 steps to do after you get up from the bed in the morning and going back to the bed at night. Total 18 times!

1. Makeup remover /dust remover
2. Milk cleanser
3. Deep cleanser
4. Scrub
5. Masque
6. Toner
7. Serum
8. Moisturiser
9. Sunblock

Okay, I know is a lot.. but I'm trying to get use to it! HAHAHAHA

Then we had a simple everyday make-up too.

It went quite bad... may be because I don't really know how to make-up. The problem with me is the eyeliner! OMG! is just so hard to get it right! It was a mess! And I really don't understand why people still apply pink eye shadow -.-
So I end up washing it off right after I step out of the store. Same goes to my friend.

Second section!

Today class is about Dinner make-up. It will be a heavy make-up!
( I was wondering should I wear something nicer to go like dress or skirt? Anyway I end up with my shorts. HAHA)

Same old problem... Eye-liner! My biggest enemy! Even the instructor can't bear with me! hahaha!
Other than that it was quite okay! I got to choose my eye shadow this time! I choose a brown and dark brown! Smokey! Love it!
LOL! okay I open my eyes to the widest! Scary!

I also learned how to put fake eye lashes! I can't do it at home every single time! But in here , I DID IT! wohoo!! It really enlarge my eyes size.. My eyes both doubled their original size!

Make-up! Done!

No make-up (back in Korea)

End product!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Visit Green Cow Studio

There a lecturer in Utar invited me to visit her student that will have their recoding in green cow studio as their final project.

Is really far from my house as this studio is located near Bandar Sri Damansara., Tago Industrial Park.
it took me more then an hour to reach .

Well is an amazing experience!
Things that we always see on TV really exist in front of my eyes! In the studio itself, there are 3 complicated cameras lies over the end of the studio and tonnes of wire are around. As i look above, There are so many light around!

I also got a chance to visit the control room. 
The moment I step inside the control room I was like WOW.
The equipments are so fascinating! All I can see were buttons, wires, microphones, laptop and large machine! 

I also able to witness final year student from Utar to shoot their project.
 From the empty to a studio packed with props in just 1 and a half hours! CLAP CLAP!
(hehe ! For me, the set-up is quite simple and messy. It can be done nicer and more ordered!)

People are running around! here and there !
I can see they are so stress up! There was even a small accident while they preparing their props! luckily she was okay!

They had their rehearsal. This is when I'm so impress by a girl that controlling the set and also communicating with the directer in the control room! She was attentive! For me she is the core of the project other than the directer!

The act was funny and cute! hahaha Good luck guys! 

There goes my experience in a proper studio! Amazing experience and thanks to the lecturers and the people who shared their experiences with me!  
The head of department definitely is a nice and funny yet serious person! Love it! 

(couldn't take much picture because I was busy talking with the lecturer! )

Friday, March 21, 2014

Getting A-level result ..Gone through Hell

First blog post in 2014... Well, hopefully I have more passion to to more blog post this year! :D

If you are planning to study A-level, please dont read this blog post. LOL

Well, I got my result on 6 of March.
 Getting A-level result is really different from getting SPM result or PMR result. Because I know what to expect in both SPM and PMR.
(I got some achievement in my SPM tho =p)

To be honest, I don't really have any expectation for my A-level result to be good because my final result is also based on the points that I had accumulate from previous semester.
Mum told me I didn't sleep well since I came back from my trip (couple of days before the release of my result).
That's true
Most of the night I've been dreaming about me looking at my result slip but I can't get to see my actual result, it's blur.
On that day itself, I went with one of my bestie I met in A-level, Anne. Love her so much! Muakz! 

We were both nervous as hell..................................
Then my lovely, Michelle came in, then my boss, Nirmalan! The atmosphere is even worst -.-

OKAY! Enter the room! Ms. Mabel were giving speech which I don't really concentrate in what was she talking... I only heard our batch have 99% passing rate... The only thing in my mind was... Will I be the 1 % failing!?!?!? D:


my turn to take result.... First thing I'm looking was the "fail corner' OMG THAT'S NO 'U' . Then I see my result ... why all look like 'B' one? WOW so happy ! when I really look at it.... I actually got some 'D' too....
CRUSH..... My heart totally sink .
On the brighter side, my retake papers are doing quite well but it hasn't hit my target yet. 

Anyhow, I still went to sing-k with my classmate! Erm release a bit stress.... 

Congratz to my friends who got good result ya! Good luck in the future!:)

Mum and Dad both called me .
They didn't really sound bad but I know if I'm compared with my brothers I'm such a failure. Indeed, it is very hurtful to hear them saying they are relieved because I got no fails. Previously, getting A are relieve but now my standard is only pass ........

I'm sorry. 

With my result I'm able to enter degree course but not those prestigious courses like pharmacy, doctors, engineers. So, now I'm in dilemma of choosing Mass communication (major in broadcasting) or Nutrition and dietitians.