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Monday, July 1, 2013

Movies in one week!

So... Hi! yea I know is July! so Happy July!
for some of you wonder why update my blog now,is because Astro had let my family down :( waiting for maintenance...so yeah! let's do some update! 

My June 2013 Edexcel exam just ended like couple of weeks ago!(18th June) Of cause I had hangout with my collegemate! We walked around Pavillion, Fahrenheit88 and H&M. 
We watched a movie too ! 'Now you see me' directed by Louis Leterrier. It was a very nice show! watching it is like watching magic show and is FUN! I mean can you ever imagine someone robbed a bank in front of  so many people? haha here's the trailer    

I've watch man of steel too!directed by Zack Snyder.
Normally I don't watch superheroes movies but this time my friends just kinda of influence me to watch! HAHA
I've never watch any of the version of superman...but I can say that is a okay movie for me!
The story starts when the planet of Krypton is facing destruction! So, father of superman sent the natural birth baby (superman, clark) to place that we all now standing on , Earth.the movie basically talk about how Clark adapt to human world and be part of human world.Which at the end he also save the earth from a evil troop from Krypton as well... LOL my review is so general ! but in the movie had a lot of talking which make me fall a sleep in some part..hehe but yet there are some humor in this movie too ..the main character (Superman, Clark )cast by Henry Cavill is super hot and handsome!!  trailer time !


NEXT! movie that I had waited for a long time!This cute film is produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. Dan Scanlon is the director and Kori Rae is the producer. This film basically talked about the early-life of Mike and Sulley, before they join the scaring company, Monsters Inc. .Both they met in Monster University(MU). They had been enemy since day one! Both of them have very different characteristics and never agree with each other! Some where in the film they both kicked out by their scaring faculty Dean, Hardscrabble. The only way to rejoining the faculty is to win a event 'Scare Game'. As the film go on, they talk about how Mike, Sulley and their unfit group mates ,Oozma Kappa, work together as a team and win their biggest enemy, Roar Omega Roar. However, Sulley decided to cheat because he thinks that Mike are never scary and may bring the team down.When Mike discovered what Sulley had done, he felt heartbroken and broke into door lab wanting to prove his ability as a scarer. He used a newly made door to connect to human world at a camp.He failed to scare kids there . Sulley had enter the door to rescue Mike.But when they going back to the door, their dean had shut the power source making both Mike and Sulley stuck in human world! Mike,which is very knowledgeable, had came out a plan which they can generate energy from this side ! So, both of them had worked together to generate screams from adult human! They succeed! I mean they had more than enough energy! However, they didnt get back into scaring program instead they worked at Monsters Inc. in mailroom and work their way up to be a scarer! It's a meaningful movie but it is a long movie as well! For me, I don't think is a movie that have to watch in cinema....I mean you can buy their original DVD to watch at home or maybe wait for their premier at HBO or FOX movie channel .

Last but not least! War World Z! WOHOO!!! i can say it is a  MUST WATCH MOVIE !directed by Marc Forster.
I watched this film at the fourth row from the screen...so it was soooooooo close that even when I cover my face yet I still can see  the screen! LOL well..this film is long ,almost 2 hours but is not boring.Is exciting! hahaha!
especially you go and watch with bunch of crazy friends ! haha! this film is about virus that transmit among human  but cure is not found yet.Scientist had suspect rabies that turn human into zombie in 12 second. Gerry Lane, cast by Brad Pitt,he is former United Nations investigator who is called to return to his previous job to investigate the source of the disease!As he go along a lot of interesting stuff had happen.It is intense at first but it became funny at the end.... because along the way while he investigate, noise that they made had waken those zombie...and they did those noise in a hilarious way!along the way, Grerry had discover some people are not infected by those zombie!So, when he reach WHO in UK he realise the used of camouflage by using disease like H1N1, SARS... (I dont really remember what is the explanation about using this diseases..sry -.-)LOL is a 9/10 movie! anyway...i think Brad Pitt should really go and have hair cut....is so long .... -.-
(sorry for giving such general review because this movie is too long to explain! LOL but here's the link about the plot ). Trailer tell how much you want to watch this film!HAHA

I like poster of this movie too! 

HAHA! there you go! i know is a bit stupid to write this blog post as you can find it in the net...but as I said earlier...i just write this to pass time! HAHAHA
Happy July !

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