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Saturday, August 17, 2013

Goodbye Serena :(

Yesterday while eating dinner, my dad had told my family that he is surrendering the 12 years serena to nissan..
I was like so fast?!

So, in the morning , everyone woke up early .
Dad packing everything out from the car and I'm taking picture! LOL of cause my mum was dressing up (they heading out after surrendering the car)

When we reach there, it is so emotional! Because this car had gave us a lot of memory, wherever we  go surely she is the one that drive us there! every new year, every trip and for my dad is everyday !

I still remember the first day she came to our house! 
I was only 7 years old...I was so short that I don't have to bend my body to go into the car!
I can even sleep comfortably ,without bending my leg, at the last row of the seats

She grew up with us until today ! 
There is a funny fact about the reason my dad bought this car 12 years ago!
buying 7 seater car is to prevent fighting among my siblings and me! WOHOO!! hahaa

Okay la is time to say goodbye to serena! will always remember her!

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