
Hi guys!

Nuffnang Ads

Saturday, November 27, 2010

outing !!!

hehe...yesterday is our class jamuan!! as usual we did BBQ again....
but this time is better because more food and more experience?lol dont know ...i just feel is better!
the chicken so bad!!! dont let me eat them!! i eat dao half.they fly away o!!AIGO!!!
after we BBQ then thw\e war had BEGAN!!
lol water war lo!

me tsu tzu actually DONT want play....
because i swear i did bring any clothers!
aigo ..we run almost the whole school but the end me and tsu had lose behind the school hall...lol

then keep things lo....then BALIK!!!
i almost forgot about the stove before i go home le!!!!
kesian u le la!!hahaha

hm.. i think i not going to update my blog for few days because going to ipoh for weeding dinner

lastly.please support me!!!




please vote for me on 28th nov to 3rd dec in www.youtube.com/mbcaudition

thx! nite!

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