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Friday, December 31, 2010

last day of 2010!!!!

haha currently im in an house....
celebrating new year just like last year!!!
other people are preparing outside but im sitting in front of the computer!!!XD

haha is very emotional being in the last day of 2010..
basically 2010 is quite a fun year and also a up-down- year...lol
happy sad crazy every thing!
haha kay i want to say sorry for everybody ...

this might be my last post in 2010!!hahaha
so im happy..
school is reopening in 2 days time!!hahaha...sad..everybody is complaining~~@.@
while 2011 is important to all of 1994 people...so lets prepare for the war!!!
jia you!!
kay kay i will end my last post here!!bb


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Special day for me~

hehe i walk on the street...i feel special!!
but for other people is just another ordinary day~~~
i spend my 1st minute of birthday in my aunt house and playing ps2~
she also made a lovely cake for me
lol and 1st to call me is my lovely family~~haha.
thx very much...

then i also received 2 cards given my tzu yan tsu!!!
is super nice!!
haha love it so much!
i also surprise by bio teacher~ he just wish me in the middle of the class!!lol

anyone i just want to thx everyone!!!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Special day!

hey is 26 december!!!ahahaha
maybe is just a normal day for some of you but is special day for some one in my family!!
that is my BIG BROTHER!!! DAI PUI!!!


hope he see this! it had been long since we last time celebrating with him...T_T
but just want to say looking forward to see you kor! LOVE YOU!!!

Christmas Day!

HAHA yesterday was awesome!!
my kao fu from singapore come to my house to have a stay for 1 night....
so we brought him and his family to eat Yong Tau Fu in ampang!!!
we have all together 80 pieces of yong tau fu!!!WAKAKAKAKA
and we just finish it easily~ WOW!!! AMAZING!!! lol

then at night we have a gathering at Green View restaurant!!(with my ah yi family too)
that was totally crazy! i counted that there was actually 9 big dishes!!!
yu,har,hai all there!! some more 2 lala...i think my kao fu is going to be food king some day....he just live to eat!!!!
by the way the food was so damn big until a angmo from other table took a picture of us !!!lol (i think they are so envy a bout us ^^)

after a higher class food guess where we go next?!?!?!?!
we brought my high class kao fu go MAMAK KING!!!!
ya! is the mamak king that we usually go!
and their reaction is like :WA IS SO AMAZING!!! GREAT FOOD~~~~
they other roti boom ,roti pisang,roti tisu..and lots and lots of fried thing!!
and everybody is talking about the chicken buttock ...LOL!!!

what make me amazed was we actually can eat so much after having 9 big dish !!!!
really crazy..i think because of wong family!!!
they just like to eat ^^ ahahahah

hmm just want to tell you guys im off kl for few days!!!
hope come back earlier!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Guo dong and Merry Christmas!!!

haha...sorry for a bit late..i was too lazy and tire to update yesterday because i came back quite late!

forward back to 22nd dec!!
For every Chinese also know that day is important...
that morning my mum went and bought the flour to make dong yuen so many colour!!!wakakaka...
and we also decided to have nice dinner so mum prepared popia! and honey chicken!
nice nice...i took some photo ..you guys can check it out on my facebook!


here goes!
that day was also important to some body.....he is our gang 'head'!
lol i mean cl.. HAPPY be-LATED BIRTHDAY!!!

24th dec -25th dec
i went bio tuition early tonight because yesterday was X'mas eve,,,,
after our quiz....sir alvin gave us a X'mas present!cute! just a simple clip!
after that we went to cheok ming house for X'mas party!
we didnt did much things just hanging around and eating PIZZA !!! hahaha
then play game...me and some friend went to outside of the house to have some game...i was having fun for just watching the guys play~~~ cause is FUNNY!!!
hehe then we have killer game AGAIN!!! it was fun i think! hahaha

around 11.55pm we gethered outside of the house to count down!!!with 3 bottles of sparkling juice (thanks to jia chern!) the sparkling was nice since i long time didnt have one T_T! then we went to play ground nearby!
it was fun....because i seldom go playground at such a late night!
everybody go swings...chit-chat....and me~ TAKE PICTURE!! hahaha

after awhile everybody is tired dy so we head back home! while heading home i took some picture too...and also video!!! ahahaha...
i will upload it later...but im not sure about the video because i scare it takes long time too upload so may be i put it on youtube ^^!
when we reach home we exchange present!!! i got lucky number 4!! but there doensnt have a present with number 4 on it !!!T_T so not lucky ..then i ended up with number 12 ...ish ish~~but i still glad i have a present! THANKS!

i was the 2nd to head back home!!!AHAHAHA...

kay kay...ending here! anyway Happy CHRISTMAS again!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

hahaha.....borin dy =p

today wake up i go cook my fried magiee~ hehe..my style =p so nice!
then continue watch tv~ boring dao si!! no nice show also! HAIZ

as usual i went dancing after watching '2 day 1 night'
it was so funny!!HAHHAA...so when i first reached to my dance place i go buy MILK~~SEDAP~
haha...then i head to my dancing class...i was nervous because im getting my RESULT!!!
haiz totally disappointed!because i though i can score higher..but end up only getting a pass==T_T im sad but i still act im happy ...blek ....the 2 other girls are sad too because they also unexpected i guess.... haiz

so for me to cheer up my teacher give my friend and i 1 hour to use the room for us to dance! WOW...that was crazy....we dance genie,hoot, a bit oh! then we free style hyun_A change....haha..you sure cant imagine...but i think it was funny but we will bever record it!!then me and jia wei o GEE~~ funny~~

after sometime we decided to record it..but we keep NG because of many reason...i nearly cramp and my bro is chasing me..haiz

but in conclusion it is still a boring day!! nothing to do!!!!
wish can go sing k!!!!

hui~ night

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Happy day!!

hehe..today woke up early because want go breakfast with parents!!
this morning was cold too!
but sadly i cant eat my favourite -ABC because i not feeling well...
suddenly i feeling eating 'tau fu far' haha....
so mum brought me to market there~~~
sadly they say is sold out!!!!OMG!!! everything just went bad for me !

after back home i was forced to do my homework!!!T_T
surprisingly i sat there almost 2 hours to do my homework...AHAHAHA
then i sneak go play come dy=p

then i realise that i havent watch snsd hello baby..so i go watch..
but i saw a link about the horror movie factory...that was cool!
if im in their point...i will faint off.....is scary lar!!!!!
i dont know how taeyoen and sunny can be so relax!!!
and then ho and then ho...

haha today dancing class was crazy i acted strange in front of my friend and all of them is like
what happen to lik hui...HAHAHAHA
but i went crazy after awhile!=p

hmm this holiday is going so damn fast!!cant believe after 2 weeks we are going to start war dy!!! gambateh!! i think i really must start touching my book!!! if not im dead meat!

kay good nights!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Just random~

hmm!! so tired!! headache!!blek

haha... i saw the baby that my neighbout 's daughter's daughter...
CUTE DAO!!! once hse see my mum ...then she laugh dy!!! cute ar... 1st time see so small size geh baby..then 2 dimple! woot!! love her so much~
but she so tiny==.....mum say because not sleeping enough=p

argh...i really suddenly like Beast so much...i dont why~=p!!! go doojoon!

wakakaka....well yesterday thx to tsu she say the mbc audition result out dy!!
then it write...we only can find 35 teams that are qualified.....WA!! so many people go audition only 35 qualified..haha....so i went and see one by one...
there are two that say they cant attend to audition in korea!! such pitty and waste...
but i want to say good luck to others !there are a few very funny so i think i will like them if they debuted someday!!!hehe

haiz..somethings that i wanted to say to somebody always make me cant sleep!!
yesterday nite i was planning to tell my mum some thing about my ballet lesson...i want to stop and go other...is not that i dont like ballet anymore!!i love it!!is just i dont have time!!
because i told her a few times and she say want spm dy still take so many lesson==
and my result is sucks.... so they just dont allow....
SO~~ i need to korban my ballet...
BUT!! i just dont know how to tell because i went to ballet since i was very young because my mum like ballet when shes young but for some reason she just cant go...
if i tell...i think i will broke her heart!!! argh...T_T

finding some chance to tel...


BEAST!!!! doojooon!gikwang...faint....hehe

Monday, December 13, 2010


HAH! yeah here i go again..crapping! hehe

kay first of all i want to give a reminder~~HEHEHE sorry ar!
erm for those people that went to chiao's birthday celebration,each of you have to pay RM4.60 for the cake except for chiao~~and kha joe and siew~~ others...hehe sorry

kay now me!!!
hmm today is just like other day~i spend my time very un-wisely~
because although the holiday started almost 3 weeks ago..but i didnt do anything that is useful == i just sit there watch tv,computer,dancing here and there,playing with everything that i can grab!! haiz....
maybe i should work on my studies?che?phy?bio?add math?
i tried to do all those but i end up sleeping on my table!!!ARGH!!!
god bless me!!!!

hehe...well this week is tough for me in the sense of mental~
i just couldnt believe there are so many things in my mind and i have no idea how to bear with it!!! just keep thinking thinking thinking but it get more complicated and more complicated!
maybe i should go out of my house and keep myself busy! haha
just want to say sorry to everyone~ i just feel like doing it~=p

hmm!!OH YEAH !!!another another!!
yesterday i went to my dance school..as usual i walk up the stairs sun pian see the telephone guy~(HAHAHA he damn yeng!)then walk into the place lo...
then i saw a guy playing piano! oh man! that was good piece man!
so i just went and see who was that..maybe is the new cleck?lol~ he looks kinda cool for only me== but not other girls (my dance mates)...so i went closer!
GUESS WHAT!!! it was the guy that he work there few months ago!!
argh totally disappointed!! WHAT!!!! i just hate him!!! he is so....how say?!?just dont like lar..every time my friend and i past by him ..we just dont like him!! he thought his very yeng while playing the GRAND PIANO~~ bai ma wang zhi ==..nvm...until the end we just ignore him =p~~~
but this time he came back with different looks~ he cut his hair and that hair was nice!!! i like guy cutting those hair..is like front hair all wax up~ hehe yeng!! but too bad i just dont like him!!! he some more want ignore me when i want to pay fees!!! just feel like killing him!! how dare he treat customer so badly!! ish...luckly next week his not there anymore!!YEAH!!!
haha but i was happy today i finally got to pay my fees ! YEAH!!!

haha...i guess you all think that im very 38~ hehe sorry ar!

kay got to sleep ! nights!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Going Kai Kai~yeah

hehe today my mum and me went to time square and sg.wang for shopping!
long time didnt go there shop le!! i saw so many new things that i wanted to buy!
but i just CANT!!! so i just went and buy tops and bottom!!didnt manage to buy bags and shoes!!!T_T next time go buy again!hahaha

hmm today rushed to go tuition man! when i go in class i got a bit shocked because teacher just dyed his hair! like it so much~ but that time im still like floating ~~
but after sometime i came back!! but my mind is just not in BIO!!
my eyes looking at teacher but my mind is just else where!!!
when i breaking tzu told me something! i was like super shock and my mind is 100% awake!!
gosh! rest in peace!!
hmm~ my leg is going to break soon! pain dao! no idea~ what i want say!
erm erm! tomorrow i going to sleep my own!!! T_T
hope i can just sleep and wake!!dun wake up in the middle of the night!

bye bye! nights!