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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Day!

HAHA yesterday was awesome!!
my kao fu from singapore come to my house to have a stay for 1 night....
so we brought him and his family to eat Yong Tau Fu in ampang!!!
we have all together 80 pieces of yong tau fu!!!WAKAKAKAKA
and we just finish it easily~ WOW!!! AMAZING!!! lol

then at night we have a gathering at Green View restaurant!!(with my ah yi family too)
that was totally crazy! i counted that there was actually 9 big dishes!!!
yu,har,hai all there!! some more 2 lala...i think my kao fu is going to be food king some day....he just live to eat!!!!
by the way the food was so damn big until a angmo from other table took a picture of us !!!lol (i think they are so envy a bout us ^^)

after a higher class food guess where we go next?!?!?!?!
we brought my high class kao fu go MAMAK KING!!!!
ya! is the mamak king that we usually go!
and their reaction is like :WA IS SO AMAZING!!! GREAT FOOD~~~~
they other roti boom ,roti pisang,roti tisu..and lots and lots of fried thing!!
and everybody is talking about the chicken buttock ...LOL!!!

what make me amazed was we actually can eat so much after having 9 big dish !!!!
really crazy..i think because of wong family!!!
they just like to eat ^^ ahahahah

hmm just want to tell you guys im off kl for few days!!!
hope come back earlier!

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