
Hi guys!

Nuffnang Ads

Sunday, December 19, 2010

hahaha.....borin dy =p

today wake up i go cook my fried magiee~ hehe..my style =p so nice!
then continue watch tv~ boring dao si!! no nice show also! HAIZ

as usual i went dancing after watching '2 day 1 night'
it was so funny!!HAHHAA...so when i first reached to my dance place i go buy MILK~~SEDAP~
haha...then i head to my dancing class...i was nervous because im getting my RESULT!!!
haiz totally disappointed!because i though i can score higher..but end up only getting a pass==T_T im sad but i still act im happy ...blek ....the 2 other girls are sad too because they also unexpected i guess.... haiz

so for me to cheer up my teacher give my friend and i 1 hour to use the room for us to dance! WOW...that was crazy....we dance genie,hoot, a bit oh! then we free style hyun_A change....haha..you sure cant imagine...but i think it was funny but we will bever record it!!then me and jia wei o GEE~~ funny~~

after sometime we decided to record it..but we keep NG because of many reason...i nearly cramp and my bro is chasing me..haiz

but in conclusion it is still a boring day!! nothing to do!!!!
wish can go sing k!!!!

hui~ night

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