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Thursday, December 15, 2011

1st day of work!

after coming back from sabah ,i accepted a job it kelly services itself...in finances department

i was pick to the account department;tsu to do typing department(i dont know what that call );tzu and xinhan went to payroll department.....

at first i look quite busy but after awhile i have nothing to do already...
then i started looking around ,
tzu and xinhan got tons of work ....papers cover all over their table...
tsu ....typing the whole afternoon...
only me sitting there looking around and my desk is as clear as i did not even sat there ==

then went to eat lunch and met my lovely father on the half way! ^^

after work we walk to pavillion plan to do some shopping and buy shoes for xinhan...
but i dont know why ...
when reach there...a thing also did not buy or even try !
then back dy == haiz...

and tomorrow im wearing casual!!! WOOT!!!

nite !

Saturday, December 10, 2011


ya im heading to Sabah later this evening! but we will leave in the afternoon...
I kinda looking forward about this trip... since is first time go trip by flight with friend instead of going with my family....

my family was kind of worry ,so they actually nag me almost everything..passport,transport,hotels and a lot more....so i want to say sorry to jiachern and cl (if you even read this)that i keep asking about the details ....
but at the same time i know my family are worry about me so ... never mind as long they feel save letting me to go....

my brother said this is a task for me...if i can do will in this then they will let me go out for study with more confident that i can protect myself!!! YEA!!! I MUST DO WELL!!!! just let me study abroad!!!!!PLS!!!

so i finish packing my things this afternoon ,i weighted it ,7kg.hope it will be the same when weighting at lcct.wakakaka!!!!!!

k i think i have to go to sleep now since my friend say the first night we goona play the whole night so............ now i have to go to BEDDDD!!!! WAKAKAKKAA

p.s:should i bring my ritzy too???


Wednesday, November 30, 2011


ya weird right i din even post spm starts ...sorry la i want study no time le!

so the first time i do is lock myself in room and blast the speaker !!!! i think im in a concert at that moment !! LOL!

yayaya!! then watch mama performance againnnnn...... omg the kiss just cant get away!!!
y hyuna YYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!???
then then then APINK!!! hahahaha best new girl artist!!! yea! memang betul itu!!!
guys have to hear MYMY from APINK! because is really nice =p¬

hmm i now only know snsd having concert in singapore on 10 dec le.... omg i wan goooo

then snsd having concert in malaysia on February .....great im in ns!!!! why everytime i got things do then have to clash with some other things one!!! NOT FAIR!!!!!!!

i seriously cant calm myself right now ... T_T


Saturday, October 22, 2011

Andrew choo day

Hmm....cl told me to say that YEah!!!!seminar finish dy!!!!!!lol ==

hmm seriously after I came to andrewchoo's seminar I really feel so left out
I realize I got a lot of thing haven even heard before==
I guess I will Start today!!!!mummy scold me dyyyy say me very lazy after my trials....
Ya !I admit it ! I playing everyday,watch series everyday ....
I felt so guilty dy...

Nowww I'm still at university of Malaya's canteen studying but I'm actually using iPad (BRIAN geh!!!)

Ok I guess I wan to stop here because many people ejek-ing me Siena don't want care !!! Blek bad people !!!
Now I continue my chemistry!!!!!!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Graduasi EVE!!!

haha!!! i guess everyone is excited about later...GRADUASI!!!
oh yea! the first graduation in my life!! haha today we had our full rehearsal in school and we end up not taking sejarah exam ^^ WEEEEEEE!!

i was totally excited!!! i jump here and there with my jubbah!!! hahaha
then i keep imagine what is going to happen when i really there?!?!
i really feel like crying lo! not because of graduation but is my parents forst time coming to school because of achievement of academics !!
preview years my parents came because of my brother!! then after my bro graduated from SMKTS my parents are not invited asingle time to hari kecemerlagan!!
haha NOW!!! they finally got invited again!! but i guess they are not so pround because im not as good as compare to my brother that got best student ==
but anyway i would like to congratz to our beloved BRIANG ONG POH ZHEN!!! that got best student for science stream!AND!!! POON TUCK PIN that got best student for art stream !! ^^

(including me XD)
i wish all of us will have nice time later because is OUR DAY!!!
and wish all the best in spm !!!

hui!p.s going to slp!! dont want panda eyes tomorrow!!!

Saturday, October 1, 2011


phew..last paper for trial is over!!!!
physics== well it went quite hard for me T_T how can that be! so failure!

i got some of my result... if for normal exam i think i did quite well but when i compare with my fellow smart-ty friends , i was quite left behind! their result are just shocking!!! can you believe munkiet just got 96 over 100 for bio paper 2?!??!!?
i guess he is just a legend ==

hopefully i will get what i want for my real spm ^^

this week i learned a lesson!that is :

when you do something you cant do it in a soft way but in a rough way!
so that you wont give up so fast!and people listen!

i've been thinking a lot about people around me but i really beh tahan to say out¬!

p.s.: anyway sorry to say that i wont take back my words =p.i guess you should just accept! and u deserve it! I FEEL HAPPY THO!!!! hahahahahahha

Saturday, September 24, 2011

hiking time!!!!

haha!!! today went hiking at saga hills with 13 of my friends!! WOOHOOOO!!
is totally insane ,tiring but of cause fun as well!!!

i cant believe i able to reach the water fall since i have been told that the road is dangerous and tough!! but i i got there together with my friends!! HAHAHAHAHA

the waterfall is gorgeous! we saw lots and lots of rainbow!! HAHAHA and saw some uncle auntie cooking at there ! they so geng right!!!!

we also had massage sitting beside the waterfall! i can feel my blood circulation better already XD! just kidding =p

the most cool thing happen is jia chern and me lost in the wood and we reach a place that is like heaven? neh i not going to say is heaven but a nice place!hahaha luckily saw another geng of people that is familiar with that road! THX GUYS! hahaha

after that we had our lunch!! haha im sorry that i can attend to nic house although i had promise im really sorry .....

anyway have to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICHOLAS!!! (hope you see this ,but i guess is a no! XD)

kay gonna head to bed now!! nite! I WAITING FOR PHOTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hui! love!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


oh ya! a long bow greet must be given to everyone if anyone still bother to come my blog!!! HAHAHA

ya i having some hard time within myself... i dont know who to say with because i feel really awkward....
ya it was about my future career.i beg u guys feel weird why am i thinking it even i haven even finish my spm==

my parents want me to be a accountant that i super-duper dont like i can say i anti accountant even they are useful......... i dont want to face number ,sitting in the office ,using the same formula, doing the jobs over and over again..... i hate it

so what am i going to do if i dont want be accountant? i really though about being a nutritionist and dietitian or may be a chemist....at least im not going to sit at office whole day......the second thing is be a announcer like on the astro aec....while that job is quite fun cause you can get around with people ,have fun , and going for some interview that is so meaningful (i guess i prefer those introducing foooooooooood! XD)

but come to think again i still haven give up being a performer even LOTS of my friend and family disagree and said i was dreaming. dreaming? so what? at least i have a dream ! i have a target! [okay that should stop here]being a performer will be my life time dream and i hope it will be my career for my whole life ....but that is kinda of impossible since i dont even get a chance!

to be honest ,
at some moment i really feel i just gonna live a normal life.
but when i watch '!The Voice' on AXN i saw a guy ,he is a totally nerd and he is a pre-medical student!the shocking things is his parents both are doctors!!!! and he actually have good voice!!!impressed! i can say that his parents are just 100% supporting him even he choose not to be a doctor but entertainer .but come back to myself ,why my family dont even want to hear about it? == HEARTBREAK!

okay! i come of down because i dont know how to tell them that i want to be in bio field instead of accountant== i beg thay will think i want to be in bio field just because i dont want be a accountant! UN ACCEPTABLE!

p.s i want my live to be special !!!! i starting to feel old already! im nearly 17!!!!!and i haven even doing something is special to myself! WHY I ALWAYS WANT TO BE SPECIAL!!!!!!!!!!!! T_T

Sunday, June 5, 2011

pbsm celebration!

huh! after few weeks of waiting finally is the celebration for our success !
first time having number 1 for both boys and girls team! hahahaha
may be we are the legend of seraya pbsm!?!? hahaha i think yea~

the party is going around now~ haha but i think everybody finished ad having their own time!
and im the 1 facing mac book since i have no other free time no update my blog at home~(just dont want to nag by my mum )
yea there is a geng watch some funny video i wanted to join the it is to crowed ! SAD!

hahaha~ i din this is my last day of enjoying that i 100% into my studies!
i think i will killed by my parents after getting those mid year paper~
SO DEAD~~~-_-
i better lakon abit just to get lesser nag~ hehehehe

buying phone next week! happy!!!!

that all for today! continue to have fun now! bye!

hui~love ya !
(checking my phone regularly!)

Monday, May 2, 2011

im still waiting!

yesterday whole day i was totally no mood~ just COOL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
because im still waiting the message !....looking at the damn phone waiting it vibrate...
yea it did vibrate few times....but is just not the one im waiting~ sienz right!
until this morning i finally saw the reply and the message is just like " haha funny!"
ZZZZ WHAT THE HELL SHOULD I REPLY YOU!!!!!! i was so frustrated....and keep 'nah'....ZZZZ i tell you frus siao! going to burst dy!!!
so finally i decide to go kawad at school so that i can spend so time with my beloved friends that are funny and happier!

so as normal kawad kawad....bicycle bicycle~ oh yea! i even jatuh masuk longkang! XD
about 11am people was saying they want to go home so i end up staying back and wait to eat with hweiteng and the boys...
while i was waiting ...i read my chemistry...but basically im not into it ..i keep looking at my phone....then while i watching KRS kawad i saw you
what the hell!!! i though u were looking at me so i was going to like greet you~ but you just walk away!!! WHAT THE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
geram siao!! punch punch punch!
and i finally decide to DELETE you as my contact!!! all the message i DELETE!!!!!
300++ message i all DELETE!!!! you know delete? DELETE!!!! ish ish!!!

so my friend and i when to eat ice-kacang~ hahaha! there was funny! luckily i have my friend!!! they had just lighten me up again! hahaha but im still looking at the phone off and on....hehe....

yea!!! LIK HUI PLS BE HAPPY!!!!!! SMILE!!!!! ~~~

hui ==

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Bengkal Moral & McD

YEA!! today i need to go school but nt SMKTS but SMKPM~ - SMK Pandan Mewah!
my friend and i went there for some moral ceramah...it was quite boring but i hope it helps! haha A+ in Moral~ 0.o!

today tzuyee reach myhouse at 7.30am~ then head to SMKPM ....wow the first thing that i saw and shock is Jeffry was doing his duty at the main gate == sienz~ cant imagine he is prefect ...
then we went in the hall...while we talking into it ....everybody is looking at us as if we are some alien ~ == we didnt care much because we want to get a good place !!
and yea we got front seats! HAHAHAHA! thanks for those who booked place for us ~

then some of them were gether at McD for breakfast before coming to the hall~ lol
7am then go McD lol....
and people from other school is coming in already ~
yea and we realizze that seraya have to most peserta !!! XD BANGGA!!!
the ceramah started around 8.40am....then me and tzu were already sleepy when the clock touches 9.05 am == great right ==
lucky we have our BREAK!!! haha 9.30 to 10 am...we went to the canteen well it was different from our school want but somehow i like our school canteen's food more! OH YEAH !!! GO SERAYA CAFE!!!

i met quite a lot of m old friend but i dont think they remember me so i just walk pass them without saying HI (chuen right? !) then then we went back into hall again == there arent anything special~ continue if the boring ceramah .....yea this time around my friend and i talks and laugh more~ XD not hearing what teacher talks~ XD

around 12.30pm the things end lu~
then we rush to Mcd have lunch~ HAHAHAHA...it went quiet normal until everyone left and left me tzuyee and milky-mlik! XD

first first tsu say want do homework and tzu read book..but im too boring so i play selfca by using they two as my background but we end up talking picture together! XD
many position geh lo~ change here change there! haha...but it haven stop!!
we continue our photo shooting in the car!!!!hahah...yea we took picture from McD to tsu ann's house! XD

thats all bye bye!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Waiting is not some thing good....
i just hate to wait...sometimes when u made a appointment ,then the person late without giving a call is just annoying!

yea today i whole day looking at my handphone and wait the person to send a simple message! just a simple want but the person just forgot....and i just get so damn mad....but i tell myself CALM~~~~~

so when tuition i phone was vibrating so i was like OH YEAH!!! FINALLY!! but it end up another person......haiz ...i dont know how to say....ya i think you guys are thinking if is so important why not i just call right ? as some of you know i dont really like picking up phone or calling other....it is just my habits~ =p
so i continue wait....... but the person didnt send a message also == damn it ...i feel like chopping the person up! FINE!!!! when i saw the person somewhere i will just look into the person's eyes !!! and say I HATE YOU!!!! F5.....

fong fei kei also say yi xia lar.... i just wait for nothing! DAMN IT!!! geram betul!!!

p.s.: pandan mewah trip tomorrow!!! HAPPY!!! XD but sad also because cant see some of you! miss you guys!!! =p going to bungkus Mcd for you guys if i got money =p !!!

hui love ya! XD

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Kawad Kaki competition

as u all know right my team and me had started training for the kawad kaki daerah 1 month ago.....
yea that make all member and me so busy....most of us cant even finish our home because we are too tired.... as for me im one of them~ the past 1 month i seldom touch my homework....
everyday after tuition...im just to tired to sit up straight and look at my book!
finally we reach the last week of the competition....
everything is settling down...our formasi were also almost done....and walk walk is also okay.......
everything went well except for the uniform....be our strong commander had settle it HWEI TENG!
so we had rehearsal on thursday 7th of April with bomba....

We ,PBSM, were all shock by our teacher that they are satisfied!
and one of them even say the confirm us with a top 5 sitting....and more confident from the previous year
we are all happy even tough we can feel he pressure that teacher is giving us...but is also nnice to have all these word....

however we came to the last day.... we kawad on the tapak also....one of the time we actually kawad went the whole school is watching!!! THAT WAS PERFECT!!!! i love it....but some of them say is not good==...........maybe because my standard is low==

after that we continue train again...but normally people train more than will be better...but for us we train more we became the worst .....
as we train more and more problem came out..... isit because we are being to confident and not being aware anymore?

so we come to the actual day!
everybody excited!! we started kawad like 6.55am ?
yea ..... that time i already know today we just not on the top form!!!
problem keep coming out.... kah yee fever change to moon lee!!! this is the biggest problem ever!!!! and as everybody know pbsm that always DONT check line!!! and hentak kaki like want to chase a mad dog!!!!! these three major problem just pop out!!!!

yea then we reach ppd there was plenty of people dy... but since we are P17.... we still have to wait long x 10000000000 time!
we were busying doing our hair...gel, spray, clip...this and that ( like auntie==)
the prepare everything!!! the WAIT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
then finally!!!! check baju time!!!!...i suddenly feel so smart by 'teck-in' my shirt.. because we are the only pbsm doing that!!! XD

teacher even say we looks like guys!!! COOL!!! love that !!! XD
then hwei teng lapor until the judge also scare dao liao...but we feel is good since teacher in school didnt say anything every time she does that....
then after that we kwad back again....that time was total out!!!......haiz...yea! i can once confirm that today totally our of form edy!

then continue WAITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT~~~~ then we eat chiken rice while eating..... then we also see other group kawad... they are totally robot!! XD
then after awhile is our turn...
the thing is we are NOT serious until that time!!!! turn also turn wrong... hentak kaki is like SUPER SUPER fast ==
then the judge shock by teng AGAIN!!!!! ==
then belok wrong again!!!
then formasi wrong again!!!
but overall was okay ~~~ HAHAHAHA

so we all expecting to get maybe top 10 or top 15.... but we didnt get to attend to Majlis Penutup so few of our member stay back.while other member enjoy happy and crazy time in the bus....

then back home.. then slept on the floor...lol!! yea i HAVEN BATH !!!! XD
then i woke up because of the competition result..... so i sms tzu.. then i was SO DAMN SHOCK!!!!!
NUMBER 18!!!!! damn it ..... i was like .............(cant tell)..........
then i run and on my facebook... and i realise it is true that we got number 18.... and the worst commander getting total unexpected result==
my eyes went wet....

thats all i can say ==

p.s,: thx bomba for lending their name tag for us!


Thursday, March 31, 2011

another boring day~

today i when to school as usual...but i got a bit not feeling well in the sense of wanted to go to see the badminton match~ so miss ....
huh! i got a news that my cutie'lee chong wei' won the pandan indah state player ^^
i beg that match was excited and gan jiong since is state player VS state player ^^
as usual i stay in class with a sleepy mood...lucky Pn Azima came and find me and let me have something to do instead is fishing in the class==...
but the job was tired also since i have to walk everywhere in the school to find people just to get their signature!
and the ching jie haven sign yet ==...i wonder what Pn. Azima will think when she saw the paper ==
well my boring school day just ended with the tiring kawad kaki...everyone just become so no mood in just 1 sec.... so sad!!!!
today i have many mood to do my homework but once i touch my key board i totally lost it COMPLETELY! so i spend my time facebook-ing only ==...

yea thats actually my normal life...nothing else..i hope it will be more exciting !! like going outing ,training, playing and some other outdoor activities!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

badminton competition 2011

today was my big day since is the first time i attending badminton competition.,.
i was quite excited about it...but after awhile i feel so 'wilt'
LOL...because i going to have the match tomorrow and my opponent is TAMAN KOSAS...
ut is totally impossible to win ==
i was thinking why am i so 'lucky' D:.....== 1st set then 99% lost dy ==
yea!!! i was thinking what if i had a match today..maybe i can still win 1 set == HAIZ!! so kecewa!!!
the most shocking things is 3 double girl team from our school WON!!!! because their opponent walk over... dont know want say lucky or what == anyway good luck tomrrow!!
P.S: today we same bus with pandan meawah le !! XD

oh yea!! im happy because tomorrow i no need go for perhimpunan!! XD i gonna stay at basketball count and play badminton until 9 am......
and jia chern and me going to have the competition at around 10 ==....so nervous..
taman kosas is like so geng!! they got jurulatih le!! then my weak point mai pointed out lo!!! NO FAIR!!! where is seraya geh jurulatih....
haiz suan bah anyway seraya go there just to show face nia ==

haiz...what i can say more... just best of luck for tomorrow!!! please at least let me get 5 points that i can get a treat from joon leon!! XD HAPPY!!!

huh! very tired dy..gonna sleep now! GOOD NIGHT!!

hui love u guys!! muakz

Friday, March 25, 2011


yea im late~ but me and the geng also celebrated for her yesterday!!!
she actually cry! yea then tsu is like :'tzu dont cry lar.....you making me cry also ~ ' me and lum was like ....WHAT!?!?!?!

yea! hahaha...is fun~~ we took lots of picture too.....i think all picture is just silly! XD....

oh yea! i forgot that we went to petrosains and aquaria during he holiday~ it is FUN!!! hahha..fun until not enough time~ ^^ hope can go and outing with friends very soon! but now SPM sin lar!

ha! today i very lazy write long long post so ending here!
good night!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Back From camp!!!

ha!! i slept more than 14 hours! XD
cool..i think it is enough to cover up the 2 nights before !!!

the camp was damn fun since i got a lot of new friends.... especially all the urusetia!! thanks guys!! you guys help me a lot!! XD gonna miss you guys man!!
i suddenly feel so regret why i last year didnt become urusetia..even though urusetia is very very very very very tired (as you can see im half dead every morning) but is also super super super super super FUN!!! seriously....hahaha...i dont know how to list it down but is just fun!!


i love the shirt so much!! MUAKZ

is the jungle tracking fun and tired? ^^ for me ya is totally fun but tired is tired because of the group walking too slow (im not saying kummpulan 4 that i following...im saying other group)...ish really feel like punching their face....

i didnt get to go flying fox!!! is kinda sad!!! T_T how was it? nice? missed the chance le!!! haiz.....

yer ...why this year is last year geh...i hope next year still got le...then can go play play and jadi urusetia again! XD

yea tomorrow!!! petroscience and aquaria!!! fun!! what shirt are you guys wearing? @.@ reply me on chatter box!


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

camp camp camp !

yea today is briefing about the camp that is going on saturday...
i was excited...but until i realize that i am sitting all alone at the back...and i have no idea who am going to sleep with....the only person i really know only 3....
is kinda sad....refuse? not very but a bit.... so i decided may be i can go 'jaga malam' if i dont get good partner to sleep with ==

p.s.: i got to go add math tuition!!! XD

today there was 4 period that dont have any teacher ...so all people went and study...
except me! yea im holding a book and my eyes is on the book but my mind was somewhere far!
i suddenly though of something and i realize i am really 16 years old and going to 17...i though of my brothers that time~ i was thinking that what are doing when they are in their 17....and i realize they are going they own way...picking what they want...decide something important alone...
so i was thinking am i going to that?
just then something happen and i am the only who face it..so i have to bear it alone and decide it....this is my very first time deciding... something 'quite' important thing..it is hard to doing something alone....==
but since i have done it.....i have to bear with it....
and i finally felt that i am old ==

are you ok?

good luck in exam!


erm yeah...i guess some of you are wondering where is the picture of the frog...
yea.i haven upload yet because im too lazy and my mum is nagging me every time i use the computer....so i will upload it in the holiday! FACEBOOK!

erm moral too...since i haven even touch my moral project so i haven upload the picture too..by the way anyone of you done moral project? can borrow me? thx!

oh ya!!
remember nest wednesday we are going PETROSAINS!!!! wakakaka.happy.... busy holiday i guess ^.^lll


Monday, March 7, 2011


As you guys know that all perfects went to kem last week ends...
so do I!! XD
it was super fun ..i just like the environment so much...it is cool!! and the river...
may be i am the only one that fall it love so crazily ==...want to go back if i can~^^

yea..it was the same place when i am in form 2...it was my first kem ..and also the kem that make me like to go kem...yea~ cant believe i went there 2 times! hahaha...but the same thing happen when i was it form...i got bite by beg bugs..haiz..this times is more worse because it kumpul at my face...but after a week...it is almost ok dy ^^ *happy~

seriously until now i still hope i can get back to the camp...it is so awesome!!!
i feel proud for Islam and Ziana! they are really..omg== and i cant belive i cried because of them and also because of the dark...== it was so dark that make my tears keep rolling down T_T... but it was the last perfect camp...T_T but in positive side this camp will be the best memories ever! GO !

yea i know i shouldn't be here at this time! but i cant resist! =p....
once i open any books to read...i straight go to sleeping mode ==~
the test is going on wednesday!!! and i have alot to study....but the sleepy-ness still cant be gone even i drank WHITE COFFEE...*my favorite ^^

looking forward to saturday koko kem...because i am urus setia for the first time and also last time~ hahaha...but i guess other people will think im very boring being urus setia because i know i am going to be alone for the whole time since there is very few people that i am close with amount the urus setia team..but i hope i can know more friend..because basically they are all stupid ,nice , funny and good in working ^^

but because of the kem i cant go add math chapter 2...kinda sad!!! i hope i can record it down ~ ^^

kay goodluck to friend that are taking their test earlier!! and also those who take on wednesday!! haha good night~


Saturday, February 19, 2011

tired!!!! T_T

HUH!!! it was fun ..but im in pain now!!! T_T
my leg muscle is crazily pain....cant help it... T_T

today is LARIAN SERAYA !!! n i fall sick on friday ....so i end up ponteng school ^^
luckily my body is good enough and recovered before the race starts! HAHAHA
yea...i have so many energy at the first place and i end up exhausted !!!!! no energy at all~~~ but i am lucky enough to get the last medal~~~ AHAHAHA
the medal is IMPORTANT!!!!=p

i was so tired until i went to sleep after i got home!! nice!!! hahaha
and i have my ballet class...that time i totally out of energy to do anything except talking! XD

i almost forgot tomorrow going to do kerja amal....i hope it will be next few weeks!!!! X.X..... because tomorrow going to have long hour for physic ...and i have tons of homework and project to do!!! i just cant believe it! sienz! lisan too!!!!

-add math (ah seng)
-math(absent homework)
-read cerpen
-moral project
-pjk project

going crazy @.@

so sorry ..now a days i used to after i done my homework when im back from tuition and go sleep...
i just feel so tired EVERYDAY!!! so i didnt manage to have energy to walk to my computer==....* can you imagine how lazy am i!!!==
i hope i can use the computer time to do my work or revise my homework!!! PLS GOD!!! HELP ME!!!!! T_T.....

good night! gonna sleep early cause my frined and i going to have long day tomorrow!

p.s. im so glad i joing thursday chemistry class~~~ got a lengzai from facebook~ XD sorry going crazy again~ =p


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Almost there!

yea..in chinese calendar today is 29th days~~wow it is really near i cant wait...SERIOUSLY
hmm...i went to leisure mall just now...i was excited about buying my shoes ...but i end up broking my old pair of shoes==
sad...and we past by the cinema .....then my dad say tomorrow go watch 'Great Day"~~
WOW happy...must where nice nice go lo!! hhaha (because im going to past '30th' day in the cinema...

hehe today i suddenly though of learning japanese or maybe korean..... but i have to save to buy those book for learning~~~ i beg it is expensive and hard to find too!!! ==
but im still looking forward~ hahaha japanese im COMING! haha

hmm few days ago my mum told me if this year we go england then next 3 years we are not going anywhere already!!! im kinda sad!!! i cant give up england since is my brother graduation ...haiz...my dream to States and korea just broke! im dying to go States man!!!! states...the land of dancers ,the land of fashion!!!! omg!!!! i can actually attend to fashion show!!! XD

come back come back!!
yea chinese new year!
try go market at the morning or maybe now...it is super pack!! and everywhere dong dong qiang~~lol FUN!!! but it is super pack that i nearly got lose with my mum!!! T_T

but it is sad for people in south of Malaysia!! they have to past their new year in flood..i hope the flood will go away as soon as possible ...!!! GOOD LUCK!!!!

bye gonna go finish my homework! i swear!


Monday, January 31, 2011

whats on my mind?

its normal for a person too become emo?
i hope is a YES...
everytime when there is holidays my mind is full of things that im worried or maybe unhappy....
there is actually a lot of things in my mind that i nearly cant bear with it....
isit because im too free in the house that make me think too much?
hey ...i tried to start a conversation with one of my friend ,
but i just cant tell her what i actually wanted to say......so i just kept it to myself...and she didnt know what actually i wanted to say ==
well i dont know because im obsessed of something or what....but it just cant get out of my mind~~

well this started when i received the news...
a news that i did not expect! i totally went shocked , mood-less , hate, feel like crying..........................
i just cant believe its happening....
so i get even mad whenever the person started to talk....
but im still care about the person every time..
because we had been friend for long long time and helped a lot....

im not sure weather im feeling alright right now...but i know im more ok then just now~

sorry if i hurt anyone of u...i really didnt mean too....

hey its me again!

hi! hehe hope you dont get boring for reading my dummy things! haha

well i really gone through a horrible journey!!
i though the 2 guy in the dance place was good~~ like guai guai zai but it end up a STUPID guy~~~
at first is 1 of them,his not that attractive' he go so 'zi lian' he just ask us to take his picture just because we are all holding a camera~ siao~ and shout 'lai take picture lo !' i really drop eyes!!
so i though still got another la..cause he just sit there when the guy say take picture...
but yesterday he done lagi stupid geh thing== totally not gentleman!
that is totally out my expect!!! is not that im jealous but its just STUPID! (people who are there will know lar...)

kay kay! actually i should done my homework before Chinese new year! but i end up not doing a single homework in this 2 days! ==
im excited for CNY because this is actually the first year in my whole life celebrating CNY in KL ...what will my family and I do ?
i haven buy my CNY shoes yet T_T!!!
sad..mum say she going to bring me on tuesdays but i have no idea is that going to work or not!
haha hope it works! i need SHOES!!!==

i just going to end it here lar... if i get picture from my friend that i can upload it >< i hope it can as soon as possible!


Saturday, January 29, 2011

hi again!

wow it had been long since my last updates! haha really sorry la o!
well school started almost 1 month~ everything goes quite fine but the only thing is i cant finish my homework ~~ ==
i love to go to school sometimes but not dont like to go when we need to hand up homework! ISH ISH!

gosh cube entertainment held a global audition on youtube since 27th december...i didnt though of joining because im too lazy! but until jan 27th ,while im doing my homework,
i suddenly remember about it...and that day is the LAST day ...so why not? so i decided to upload my long long time video! XD but it is weird..lol
surprisingly my mum is very 'gan jiong' about it XD WEIRD!!!!
thx for all ppl who like it~

my mum asked: win dy then how?
i ans: pergi canada...
my mum ans: WHAT! lol good good then can go gai gai there~
i asn: yaya! i wan gai gai too with ting! but ma~~ do you think that is possible?!?!?!?
my mum ans: even if u win u think i let u go?
i ans: ya right! >
yea! last week i just got a news from my dancing teacher that there will be a girl joining us for dancing class!! and she is exited to join us to dance those kpop thing! lol!!! (shes not excited for the ballet since she lost her interest for ballet >but is after CNY! ==

oh yeah!! another 4 days then is chinese new year le!!! really looking forward!
but im going to stay at kl until chu yi! so we will have McD for out gathering !!

got to go by shoes le!! bb !! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!


Monday, January 3, 2011

!st day of SCHOOL!

haha is not as bad as i though!
i when to school early because of pengawas thing!
every thing wnet fine~~
but is kinda shock that someone who is quite close went to the other class!!
hmm~~ march exam!! must come!

haiz yo..i really dont know what to say..
the saddest thing is ...........the principal is our history teacher..!!
lol i can feel some ultra~ lol

kk want sleep early lar!
haha hope 2011 is my lucky year?!
